Two Paths
by Brooke Yool

Two paths diverged in the wood one day --
Both interesting opportunities.
One down a shady lane,
Tree-lined, and filled with fallen leaves.
Reminiscent of the countryside.
The other, through a meadow --
Bright, sunny,
Filled with wildflowers
And bursting with happiness.
I knew not which to take.

First, I tried the tree-lined path.
(The direct sun lacking appeal
In the warmer summer months.)
Proceeding forward, I was approached
By an elderly man
Carrying a rake:
"Gee, these leaves are a PAIN!
I get them raked, and just as soon
Some more fall down again."
He looked me straight in the eye:
"Ma'am, do you know how to use a rake?"
Never had I used such equipment.
I hemmed and hawed.
Biting my lower lip cautiously...
"Uh, no, sir.
But I *do* sweep my kitchen floor weekly
Using similar technique."
The man looked at me in earnest.
"I'm sorry,
But you do not belong here
If you cannot use a rake."

Wandering toward the meadow path...
That's all right, I sighed.
I found the leaves a part of the charm,
And would not wish to remove them anyway.
I followed the posted sign:
"Meadow this way, 0.8 miles."
Quite a trek -- I hope it's worth the wait.
At that point, I came to another fork
At which the sign told me to proceed
An additional 1.5 miles.
This'd better be worth it.
Not only was no one present in the meadow, but
Many of the plants had died,
Clearly not tended to.
I sought some form of life
Which was not to be found.
Oh well, I sighed.
I wouldn't want to live
In a brown meadow.

Two paths diverged in a wood one day --
Both initially quite appealing.
But as luck would have it,
I was welcome in neither one,
So much as I'd thought the environment
Would stimulate personal growth.

Off to wander down
Alternative paths...

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